Project Volunteers

Some of the Interviewees


Bobby Heron
Bobby Heron was resident at the hospital as a child. He has been part of the project Steering Group for over a year and is employed as a SAY Representative (Same As You) through Advocating Together and is co-directing the project’s short film. Bobby is a keen photographer and film maker, he has produced many short films documenting the history of Dundee and local learning disability services. Quote: Describing the building now “I think it’s a shame, it really is. Outside the building is lovely but inside, shocking, it’s really shocking when you see it like this.”
Tillie McDonald
‘Auntie’ Tillie McDonald Tillie’s niece, Myra, was a resident at Strathmartine. Tillie would travel from the west coast to visit Myra regularly, sometimes only having 15 minutes to spend with her before having to leave again. Over the years Tillie struck up friendships and now, at 86 she was determined to come to Dundee to be interviewed for the project and share her memories. Here she is with another interviewee and close friend, Margaret Watson. Quote: I’ll never forget what the staff did for Myra and me. Nobody can ever take away my memories.
Christopher Walker
Christopher Walker is a former resident who now lives in Forfar. At first, Christopher didn’t want anyone to know that he had stayed at Strathmartine and wanted to remain anonymous – how things change! Christopher has taken part in filming, told his stories to strangers and helped with the project newsletter. Christopher enjoys history and looking at the archives to see old photographs, visiting Forfar Library and tea and cake! Quote: Are you happier now you’ve left Strathmartine? “Yeah, I can do more things when I want to do them”
Wilma was resident at the hospital for thirteen years. She was taken there by a Social Worker but didn’t know what for or why. Wilma enjoyed looking after some of the children in the ‘babies ward’ and formed a close bond with one little girl. Wilma volunteered to be interviewed as soon as the project started. Quote: I was institutionalised, I didn’t want to go out, didn’t want to leave the hospital.
Roddy Nicol
Roddy Nicol is a former resident who has been very enthusiastic about telling his Strathmartine stories. Roddy has taken part in in filming and his great memory has been invaluable to the project; he remembers many very small details. Roddy is an active self-advocate at Advocating Together and enjoys spending time at his Ferrymuir club and going out on day trips. Quote: “The filming was great. I didn’t like Strathmartine but I liked going to see it, I’d like to see it again.”


Some of the Volunteers